Well first off - WE FINALLY HAVE INTERNET!!! Yipyip! So if you have Skype add us and if you don't have Skype get an account so we can chat all high tech style and for free.
That was a painful month of waiting.
I've had the past 2 days off. Seems like I'm getting Tuesdays and Wednesdays off now. It's great to have time off during the week but it's a real bummer to have to work on Sundays when Justin is off. Something will have to give in the next while with that... not having a day off together just isn't what we came here for. It's not the same exploring when you don't have someone to share it with.
I've had a couple breakdowns since we've been here, but to be fair one was at Vodafone so I think that's understandable. I'm really loving seeing new things every day and meeting new people, but I miss having a girlfriend to go out with. Justin has a guy here that he's gone out with a few times alone which is awesome. The other day a girl at my work suggested we exchange information and I had to act really cool because if I had shown her how excited I was she would have never called me. But she texted me that night and said if her friends go out she'll get a hold of me to see if I want to join. So I guess I'm a pretty good actress.... ;)
Yesterday I went to another agency and signed with them for reception work. They have a crazy strict dress code policy. And they told me that even if I am making minimum wage that they

wouldn't recommend I quit my job as they might only be able to get me work one day a week. So that was interesting. A lot to consider I guess.
Today I did something actually fun instead of looking for jobs in my time off and went to the Christmas Market near Southbank. It was really windy but a beautiful day. I love how you can drink freely outside while you stroll

along looking at the booths. I had a mulled wine and a half pint of strawberry beer. There was a ton of food and so many pretty sparkly things. It was really hard not to buy anything. I hate being a window shopper.
Speaking of shopping, I feel so bad that we are not going to be able to buy anyone anything for Christmas either. It seems pretty selfish that we are doing this and can't even get something for you to show you how much we miss you and love and care about you. Sorry :(
Coming home from the Christmas market I got an email from a TV paid internship I applied for asking if I was available for an interview next week. I can't tell you how good it feels to be noticed by someone. I feel like I've been in a pool waving my arms for help and it's too noisy for anyone to notice me. I think I have sent at least 30 applications in for broadcasting related jobs and had almost as many automated response 'no thanks' emails, not to mention all of the contacts I have been given and emailed or met with. It feels like you aren't even being given a proper chance because your application wasn't even looked at. I have tried to remind myself that I'm not here to advance my career, but I love working and I love learning, and it's hard to not want something when there is so much going on here.
The job is for a 12 month paid internship with DRG (
www.drg.tv) where I would learn about distribution and acquisition. I applied because I have always been interested in how stations aquire thier programming. Every September at Citytv we are shown snippets of all the new TV shows that we have picked up for the year. I have always been keen to know who these people are that are making these decisions. A few years back I remember thinking WTF about the shows we picked up for the year, and the past couple years I have been pretty impressed with the choices, even if 'The Event' was a huge flop. Anyways, I'm not going to get my hopes up about this opportunity (because if I do I will have a breakdown if I don't get it) but I am pretty excited to have the chance to meet with someone face to face. I'll take it for what it's worth, and feel good that I was able to break through the impersonal internet world of job searching. The interview is on Tuesday at 10am. Now to figure out what to wear...
I have so many other small things to tell you but I am going to try and sum them up quickly:
The other day I was in the loo at M&S and I realized my purse was stuck closed. After trying for about ten minutes, and starting to panic sweat, an old woman pulled a knife out of her purse and I was able to cut it open.

I made cookies the other day and forgot that not only are all of the baking supplies different (no Robin Hood flour or Toll House chocolate chips!) but that I didn't have any mixing bowls, measuring cups, or measuring spoons. After a trial first batch in the oven that turned out pretty sketchy I was able to adjust and they came out pretty damn good!

We don`t have a microwave so we have become pretty good at using the oven for everything.
There is an alphabet puzzle at my work in a box of toys for kids to play with, and almost every day I have to watch small children spend so much time and effort putting it together knowing that the `y`piece is missing. They are always upset at the end. I think there is a life lesson there.
I think Justin and I are going to the Bryan Adams concert tomorrow night. Cole is in town and is going to get us free tickets(?) We'll keep you posted about that.
Well that`s about all I have in me at the moment. I`m going to finish my beer (I think I have had a drink every day since being here) and make dinner. Speaking of dinner, Jamie Oliver is great, isn't he?
Love you all and miss you more than you know.