It's pretty hard to fit in on a busy tube when you laugh out loud to this announcement. Such is life for us here on day 2. We were up at 5am, had a beer and then crashed again til 10, so not the most productive start. Tried to get a National Insurance number, integral to getting a job, only to be told you need an address to send the forms, much like you need an address and a job to open a bank account, and you need a bank account to apply for a decent phone plan, and so on. It's a bit of a chicken before the egg scenario that no one seems to care too much to remedy. We'll manage though, looking into another short term holiday let to give us a little more time.
We ventured out to Putney today for Gen's interview for a job at a cafe, far as I could tell the position wasn't really ideal for either side, so that's probably as far as that'll go. The trip out there was cool though, the city just keeps on going, and although similar worlds, every little part of life here is a bit different which keeps it interesting. We checked out High Street on the way home, browsed Marks & Spencer's, which is essentially the Bay, just enjoying the little differences.
Went to the Natural Hi

story Museum afterwards, which was on a whim, but actually somewhere I was really looking forward to. The main entrance had an enormous line, which caught us by surprise at 3pm on a Tuesday in October, I guess tourism season is a little longer here.
We were sent to a side entrance that was line free, but not understanding the sheer volume of the museum we spent over an hour in the geology section before realizing the good shit was over where the huge line was. We got to the dinosaurs at closing and had to sneak in the exit and walk against the flow of massive pedestrian traffic. Well worth it obviously. That's somewhere I plan to hit up again when someone comes for a visit...
We went out for dinner at a Canadian themed pub called the Maple Leaf, the food and atmosphere was good, but I don't think we're homesick enough because it wasn't really very Canadian, or maybe just too focused on Ontario, not interested.
Walking around this city is

a huge change, every time you feel like you're on the busiest street, you take a turn down a busier one. Its like Granville and Robson is every intersection. There aren't really any landmarks to look up at, so getting your bearings is tough too, for someone who prides himself on a good sense of direction, London is gonna be a test. Challenge accepted.
Back in bed now, procrastinating tasks and watching some sweet British accents on TV talking about who cares what,
Oh, and today marks the first of many things we'll miss back home, I of course mean the first Canucks game.... and Lorna's 50th birthday too I suppose. Happy Birthday Lorna! And Go Canucks Go!