Sunday, September 2, 2012

Goodbye Wimbledon

It's our last day in our flat in Wimbledon. We are all packed up, and tomorrow will have the inspection and hand over the keys. It feels like it snuck up on us quite quickly, and we are sad to leave, but we have quite the adventure ahead of us.
A Shotgun First

Last night we had a bit of a send off party. Thank you so much to everyone who came. It was lots of fun to have a bit of a piss up, and we felt so happy to have you all here with us. I made some traditional 'Canadian' food... french onion chip dip, poutine, kraft dinner, and ranch dressing. We also had the caesars flowing, and Hailee even made a delicious cucumber & gin version. It was all quite unhealthy and not very classy -  just the way a good party should be.

On Tuesday we head out on a bit of a European adventure. We plan on driving, and also plan for the car to break down; It has a problem with the gearbox and apparently will stop working at any time. We've bought travel backpacks and extra car insurance to tow us to the nearest mechanic to prepare for it (where we will then get it scrapped). We have a plan B sorted but both really hope we can drive and camp for a while before we have to backpack and train around.

We are going to drive through Belgium and Germany to get to Italy where we will motor around the entire coast of the country. If the car fails we will fly to Italy and do everything on foot. To be honest at this point we are just hoping that the car makes it to Danny and Hailee's with all our stuff tomorrow. One day at a time...

It occurred to me yesterday that many moons ago my birthday would be falling on the first day of school. This year, instead of school, I'm starting a crazy trip that I'm sure will provide me with lessons that I will look back on and learn from for many years to come. I'm excited, and a little scared to learn those lessons.

We'll try and update our blog often just so those of you that worry (our parents) will know where we are and that we are safe.

Send our car positive vibes if you think of it. We need all the help we can get.


*** Update: We made it to Hailee and Danny's.

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