It doesn't take long for Qualicum to feel like home again. No matter how often I'm away, and lately that's been a lot, it feels like I never left when I'm there. I came here to load up the truck with some more of our possessions in storage at my dad's, but I stayed a week because it's been a long couple of years so far away from friends and family.
I couldn't have asked for a better week, the weather has been phenomenal lately and I was able to see the island at it's best. Nobody needs to be told that after 9 months in Edmonton the mountains, lakes, rivers and beaches of BC are a welcome sight. It was especially nice to get out camping with my mom exploring places I'd never been. Even after all the time I've spent in QB there are lakes less than 2 hours away I've never been to. That's what makes the island so amazing.
It's always great to see my dad too. It was fun to cruise around town in his new Datsun and see the one he's working on for me. Luckily he saved some wiring at his house so I could feel useful, and his parts tally for the car was good motivation to get back to work. There was no shortage of financial motivation this week actually.
It was really great to see all my friends too. I'd almost forgotten what a close group of friends felt like. It's been a fun couple years but it's also been a bit lonely at times. Just being able to go to the skate park, the river, and a back yard with a good group is something I took for granted before and I really appreciate now.
I've got a number of parallel lives I wish I was living. Staying in London is one of them, but I think the one I'm most curious about is just being back on the island and enjoying good friends, family and surroundings.
I'm really happy with the direction my life has gone and is going, but after every good trip back home I wonder what I'm missing. I am; however,really looking forward to getting to Montreal and seeing Genevieve and the new home she's started for us. Now I've just got to cross the country to get there.
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