Monday, February 6, 2012

Career Choices

I've realized since moving to London that I know myself better than I thought I did. Working with two girls in their early 20's - who are awesome by the way - has forced me to think of myself when I was their age and note how different I am now. I am happy to be who I am now. I'm happy to be 'old'(er). It feels really good. And none of my reflecting has anything to do with what job I had or where I lived or how much money I made. It's something less tangible than that.

When faced with big or big-ish decisions I inevitably wonder what my Dad will think about my choice. Especially when it comes to work. Will he be proud? Will he understand? This current decision was no different...

I was offered a 2nd interview at Pilat Media. This was an amazing job, I know they liked me and I had a lot to offer them ... but I decided not to go. I didn't leave a great job in Vancouver to find another great job; I left to travel, to have fun, and to learn the things a job can't teach you. The Pilat Media job, although impressive and interesting, had one major flaw for me: It was up to 80% travel in the year. That meant leaving London, a city I'm just beginning to know, missing out on things I already have planned (friends visiting, meeting up with Kandis in Paris this June, the Queen's Garden Party!), and of course, most of all, being separated from Justin for months at a time instead of sharing this experience together.

Another factor is that I have been offered to manage the cafe I work at. It's still not great money, but it is a raise and I can have whatever weekends I want off. They are kind people, they respect me, and they are totally flexible. It's also close to home which is so important here. So today I accepted the job. It's certainly not the coolest one in the world but it fits well with where I'm at right now.

I am so excited to be able to enjoy my days off instead of looking for work every free moment. And to finally have days off with Justin.

Thinking of everyone back in Canada.

Genevieve S.
Manager, Artisan Coffee

PS - If you want to learn a lot about Wikipedia check out my almost completed presentation I did for my cancelled 2nd interview. Maybe my hard work can be of some use!


  1. I'm sure your dad is very proud, Genevieve, as well as your mom! I think you probably made the right choice, all those things considered. Will the rejected offer give you a reference for future use???
    The link for your presentation has been removed it appears. I hope you can find a new way to post it.
    Good for you, Gen! I'm glad you are who you are. Love to you both :)

  2. Congratulations, Genevieve! It sounds like you did the right thing for the situation (choosing that job that allowed you the overall experience you were after) and are happy with it. I'm happy for you. Also, it's so sweet that you and Justin went to see Sam at Heathrow!

